Photo: TV2

How to Slay the Stage

Panel with Salty

The Attitude
The Costume
The Presentation

Take your character presentation to a new level by adding in your own attitude alongside your costume! The art of combining these three elements is crucial for the audience’s experience of you on stage – and it can also make you view yourself in a whole new way. In this panel you will learn about different ways to use your own unique self to aid you costume and character on the stage.

WHERE: Betong | WHEN: Sunday at 13:00

This panel will be about both the drag and the cosplay community because they fit under the same umbrella and have many things in common! Salty will share her own experiences within the drag community, but you don’t need to have much knowledge about drag beforehand to enjoy this panel. This is the perfect event for you if you have an interest for performing arts, costuming, characters and generally anything related to drag and cosplay.