Pictured from left to right: Katrine (Katrinuchan_tattoo), Benedicte (detchchan), Benedikte (poem_tattoo) and Jesper (jessie.hatchet)

Tattoos as Pop Culture

Panel with Ecchi Ink

We’re excited to welcome back Ecchi Ink to Magicon Elevation!

This year they will host a panel about what it is like to work as a tattoo artist – and also what you should think about when you are a tattoo client. They will talk about what you should keep in mind before and during a tattoo appointment, and also the creative process behind making a tattoo that is perfect just for you. During the panel they will also talk about the current state of anime tattoos in the tattoo industry and what you should consider before pursuing a career as a tattoo artist. Whether you are an aspiring tattoo artist or a tattoo enthusiast – you don’t wanna miss out on this panel! 

WHERE: Lillesalen | WHEN: Saturday at 14:00